Simon Moreton Impact Research Fellow | UWE

Simon is an artist and researcher. He is currently Impact Research Fellow at UWE Bristol.
His work explores the mechanisms by which the idea of a ‘creative economy’ has become embedded in everyday life, and in particular how it affects creative organisations, including how they understand and communicate the impact of their activities, how and why universities are collaborating them, and what this means for both creative and academic work.
Between 2012 and 2016 he was Research Fellow for the REACT Hub, where he oversaw the project’s research programme and written outputs. He holds a PhD in Human Geography from the University of Bristol (2010) that explores affordable studio provision for artists in London, and has worked on projects looking at the Hamilton House project in Stokes Croft, Bristol, and online crafting communities.
Simon is also an artist. He makes zines, books and comics that are mostly memoir. He self-publishes much of his work, and his comics have been published as books in the UK and the USA.
Cinema 3
Modelling, Constructing & Disrupting the Creative Economy