Rachel Granger Leicester Castle Business School

Rachel specialises in the economic geography of creative industries, the performance of creative cities, and on emerging technologies that facilitate and capture the value of the nuanced ecologies of creative work. Her current work focuses on creating value through creative spaces, including work on smart cities, third spaces, and new models of creative regeneration. Rachel has worked with Creative Scotland, the Western Ireland Development Commission, Province of British Columbia, City of Brisbane, individual arts companies, regional development agencies, and several London boroughs to conduct impact studies of creative sectors, develop new techniques for measuring value, and develop smart models for creative cities. Rachel is a board member of several creative organisations, community interest companies, and works closely with BEIS, LEPs, and Leicester’s Cultural Quarter. Rachel is an international panel member on the European Colloquium on Culture, Creativity and the Economy.
Cinema 3
Modelling, Constructing & Disrupting the Creative Economy