Peter Garside Associate Professor | Kingston University

PDr has over twenty years of experience working in the field of urban and regional development, providing economic assessments and evaluations for a wide range of public and private sector institutions. Projects include: a national scoping study of Community Land Auction Pilots, a review of the National Land Use Database and a national study on Back Garden Development for DCLG. He recently completed a London wide study into affordable housing which provided material evidence for all boroughs to challenge national planning guidance and a national study for the AHRC detailing regional creative sector networks throughout England. In addition, he has worked for a range of government departments, development agencies and the European Commission in order to understand the barriers to employment faced by underrepresented groups and to development interventions to overcome them. Currently, he is Associate Professor at Kingston University and Director of the Centre for Economic Research and Intelligence
Cinema 3
The Hidden Story: Evaluation and Measurement of Cultural Impact