Alison Merritt Smith Director of Shieldfield Art Works

Alison Merritt Smith

Alison Merritt Smith’s research and practice focuses on the potential for artistic activism in the context of the politics of land, development and contested urban space.

Alison is the Director of Shieldfield Art Works (SAW), based on a Council Estate in Shieldfield, East Newcastle. Over the past decade, the estate has experienced a 467% increase in the development of luxury private accommodation and subsequent gentrification. This has caused increasing pressures on land and sense of place for long term residents. Moreover, there is now a real risk of demolition, displacement and social cleansing of the estate. SAW’s programme focuses on working in solidarity with community members to artistically respond to the challenges that face the community as well as exploring alternative and hopeful models for working together for change.

Trained in sociology, art history and religion, Alison is an initiator of Dwellbeing an arts based Participatory Action Research Project in Newcastle and is currently undertaking the William Leech Research Fellowship.


Cinema 1

Keynote Panel: Creative Activism for Alternative Futures

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